People who bought a car on loan forget to remove it after closing the loan! Will this cause problems?
Many people who buy a car/bike today buy it mostly through a vehicle loan. In this way, people who buy a car bike with a vehicle loan forget to do one important thing after the loan is over. Many people don’t even have the awareness to do this. What’s that about? Why do it? What happens if it doesn’t? See full details here. Today many of us are using car/ bike. Mostly we have bought this car bike through loan. We have paid a certain amount from hand as advance and taken loan from bank or finance company for the remaining amount. We have to pay back the amount paid by them along with interest every month Many people who buy car/bike today buy it mostly through vehicle loan. In this way, people who buy a car bike with a vehicle loan forget to do one important thing after the loan is over. Many people don’t even have the awareness to do this. What’s that about? Why do it? What happens if it doesn’t? Come and see the full details here. Beyond all this there is one more thing. If you don’t change it like this, if your vehicle gets into an accident and you make an insurance claim for it, the insurance money will not come to you but will go to the company you financed. Thus, keeping this hypothecation unliquidated can lead to many problems. If you have taken a loan to buy a car bike and have repaid the loan in full, immediately start working on removing the hypothecation on your RC today.