Anyone is punished! Punishment for those who take lives? Dhangar Bachchan meltdown
CHENNAI: Those who build potholed roads and cause accidents do not go unpunished. Social activist and director Thangar Bachchan has requested that a solution should be found at least.
In a press release issued by Thangar Bachchan, it has been said that: The substandard roads, government buildings and bridges built with people’s money are proof that corruption has been flying the flag for years. Roads are patched and renovated year after year like nowhere else in the world. We could not stop the construction of bridges that did not stand for 50 years and buildings that did not stand for even 20 years when the stone built 2000 years ago is still in use.
Legal nuances
Those who build such roads and cause accidents are not punished. Such criminals are not the only ones who are punished when anything is investigated and anyone is punished. We need to find a solution for this. If the way is born, we will worship you! Let’s praise. Thangar Bachchan has said this.
Too many road accidents Tamil Nadu ranks second among states with the highest number of road accidents. This was reported by the National Crime Records Bureau. In this regard, the archive has said: According to the calculation of the year 2021, 1.73 lakh people have lost their lives in road accidents out of 4.22 lakh people in the country.
Uttar Pradesh is number one 24,711 people have died in these accidents the highest in Uttar Pradesh. Next, 16,685 people have died in Tamil Nadu. Similarly, road accidents increased from 3,68,828 in 2020 to 4,22,659 in 2021. Out of these accidents, 4,03,116 were road accidents, 17,933 were railway accidents, 1550 were accidents and 1807 were railway accidents. Tamil Nadu tops the list of states with more road accidents reported in 2021 than in 2020.